PD. (2). 1. Owen and Brodie’s, Wolfcastle Finlay. Nice scopey 9 months old puppy. Quality head with correct planes and length of muzzle. Strong neck. Good length, depth to body and spring of rib. Adequate reach of upper arm. Strong hindquarters. Standing on tight well knuckled feet. Excellent coat of correct length and texture. Positive movement. 2. Blackford and Morrissey’s, Lord Seafield of Hartvalley. Two weeks younger than winner. Good width of body, shorter coupled than winner. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Nice head of correct proportions. Strong neck. Excellent harsh coat. Not so positive on the move as winner.
JD. (1). 1. Lucas and Dargonne’s Packway Aconcouga. 20 months old stood alone. Tall and rangy. Nice head with gentle expression. Good length of body. Deep ribcage with adequate spring. Excellent sweep from hip to hock. Would like hock a little shorter. Plenty of bone. Moved with drive.
PGD. (5). 1. Owen and Brodie’s, Wolfcastle Wood Melick. Plenty of substance throughout. Masculine head of correct proportions. Small well carried ears. Good arch to strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Excellent depth of body and spring of rib. Good topline and croup. Very free on the move. Good sweep from hip to hock wide second thigh. Hard condition. Coat of correct texture and length. Well handled and turned out. RBD. 2. Llewellyn’s, Kilbourne Macallan. Very similar to the winner. A lovely head and expression. Well laid shoulders. Balanced by sweeping strong hindquarters, but not quite the width of second thigh as winner. Good depth of body and plenty of heart room. 3. Sharpe’s, Ashtonbrooke Herocles.
LD. (3). 1. Help’s, Beardswood Marmion. Strong upstanding dog. Good masculine head set in a strong arched neck. Good front and excellent spring of rib. Nice topline and depth of chest. Would like a little more bend of stifle. Tight well knuckled feet. He was wonderful on the move. Very well turned out and handled to perfection. BD. 2. Guise’s, Saintvalery Dazzler. More racy than winner. Shown in very fit hard condition. Looked as if he could do the job that he was bred for. Good length of back and rise over loin. Masculine head set on long, strong neck. Small ears. Good depth and width of body. Good second thigh. Just lost out on hind movement. Excellent coat of correct length. Well turned out. 3. Wiggan’s, Killoeter Grilse.
PB. (2). 1. Owen and Brodie’s, Wolfcastle Fern. Litter sister to Puppy dog winner. Very much the same attributes. Lovely feminine head with soft expression. Plenty of substance. Good length and depth of body. Nice topline and croup. Good second thigh coupled with low hocks. She stood on good well shaped tight feet and was an excellent free mover. Excellent texture and length of coat. BP. 2. Wilson’s, Killoeter Lurag for Hamiltonhill. Tall 8 months old bitch puppy. Shorter coupled than winner. Sweet head and expression, small ears. Good reach of neck. Adequate depth of body. Nice rear assembly with bend of stifle and good width of second thigh. Just lost out on movement.
JB. (2). 1. Helps’, Beardswood Natasha. A powerfully made young bitch. Substance throughout. Good strong, sound limbs. Good depth of body and well sprung ribs. I liked her head and expression. She moved out well. Very sound. 2. Davies’s, Lealla Kylesku. A feminine little lady. Curves in all the right places. Sweet head and expression. Well sprung deep ribs. Good coat. She moved out well when her handler got her into gear.
PGB. (5) 1. Finnet and Heathcote’s, Hyndsight Alleged. Very nice well balanced bitch. Excellent shape and substance. Feminine head, small ears. Very good hindquarters. Tight feet. Moved well. 2. Cartmell’s, Riding the Wind with Cusidh. Another excellent bitch. Bags of substance with good depth and breadth of body. Sweeping hindquarters, good tailset. Lively crisp dark coat of correct length. Very close up to the winner who had a darker eye. 3. Fosses’s, Rambling Rose of Penherald.
LB. (5). 1. Giuse’s, Saintvalery Anticipation. Like her brother she is in good hard condition. Lovely long silver grey coat of good texture. Nice head set on long neck. Good lay of shoulder. Balanced by strong hindquarters. Tail well set. Long sweep from hip to low hocks. Tight well knuckled feet. RBB. 2. Buswell’s, Ghylladare Kinglas of Glenmorlich. This bitch has a lot to offer in the way of substance and shape. She has width throughout. Good reach of neck. Excellent depth of chest and topline. Low hocks and tight feet. Moved with drive. Well handled. 3. Helps’, Beardswood Morwenna.
OB. (1). 1. Finnet. Heathcote and Piggott’s, Ch. Hyndsight Heaven Can Wait. Very feminine bitch with pretty head and soft expression. Body well sprung and of good length and depth. Nice lady of shoulder and sweeping hindquarters. Crisp dark coat. Very sound on the move. Well handled and turned out. BB and BOB.
Joyce Bond